Berlin Network Against Conspiracy Narratives

We are happy to point out the Berlin Network Conspiracy Narratives here: The Berlin Network Against Conspiracy Narratives is an association of civil society associations and state institutions that deal with conspiracy narratives and society's handling of this phenomenon as part of their work. The members of the network exchange information on current developments several times a year and pursue the goal of providing needs-oriented offers of advice, training and expertise in Berlin.

Members of the network

entschwört. Beratung zu Verschwörungsmythen im persönlichen Umfeld

The counseling services offered by entschwört. are aimed at people who perceive conspiracy ideology in their family, friends or acquaintances and who want or need to find a way to deal with it. The goal is to reduce the uncertainty that has arisen among family members and friends and to support them in what is usually a very emotionally stressful debate. In addition, the democracy project of pad gGmbH – präventive altersübergreifende Dienste im sozialen Bereich, in close cooperation with the Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin offers workshops for professionals, multipliers or individuals.

Fortbildung, Austausch, Netzwerke (F.A.N.) Berlin-Brandenburg

With the goal of counteracting politically motivated and religiously based militancy in a preventive manner, F.A.N. supports professionals in dealing with radicalization phenomena and works with them to develop ways to promote democratic action skills and discourse skills. To this end, the model project, which is funded by the federal program Demokratie leben! and by the Berlin State Commission against Violence, offers free workshops, training sessions and consultations in Berlin and Brandenburg.

MITMENSCH – Beratung bei Konflikten im Zusammenhang mit Verschwörungserzählungen

MITMENSCH offers free and confidential counseling, which can also be realized via outreach or zoom if desired. The counseling center of the Brandenburgische Institut für Gemeinwesenberatung wants to help in particular to assess the situation and possible triggers as well as to recognize one's own possibilities of influence and action and limits. MITMENSCH helps those affected to find a socially acceptable, self-caring and self-protective way of dealing with the situation.

Mobile Beratung gegen Rechtsextremismus Berlin (MBR)

The MBR deals with conspiracy ideologies, their actors, current developments and connections to other phenomena. The MBR observes conspiracy ideological gatherings and provides continuously updated analyses. The expertise of many years is the basis of seminars for all those who want to deal with the topic. For people who are privately or professionally confronted with conspiracy narratives, the MBR offers professional assessment and support in the development of individual action strategies.

SektenInfo Berlin

SektenInfo Berlin is a state-run counseling and information center on conflictual offers, so-called sects, conspiracy narratives and psychologically manipulative groups. The consultations are confidential, systemic and person-centered and can also take place anonymously if required. In addition, SektenInfo provides education and information about characteristics and structures of conspiracy narratives as well as methods of groups with conspiracy beliefs. Prevention work at schools and educational institutions is also part of the SektenInfo's field of activity.

veritas (Berlin) – Beratungsstelle für Betroffene von Verschwörungserzählungen

The counseling center veritas (Berlin), under the auspices of the Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Radikalisierungs­prävention und Demokratie­förderung e.V., has been supporting the personal and professional environment of people who believe in conspiracies since 2021. veritas (Berlin) wants to support family members, friends or colleagues of people who believe in conspiracies to be able to deal with the situation better, to reduce their stress and to help them, if necessary, to re-establish a relationship with the person in question. The work of the counseling center is based on a systemic approach to counseling. Even without working directly with the conspiracy believers, long-term change can be initiated.

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